GMOL | Navigable Tree

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Help for the Navigable Tree

The Navigable Tree displays the "Family Tree" with links to redraw with any member as the root.
The Navigable Tree can take 2 forms: it can display 6 generations OR it can display 5 generations plus the children of the target individual .
  • It's a quick pedigree chart which can lead to a quick printout;
  • It is Navigable within the tree. When you click on any member, a new tree will be drawn, based on that member.
  • It is navigable between the Individual Profile, the Navigable Tree, and the Descendants' Chart.
Printing Options: The Navigable Tree is optimized for printing directly from your browser. Portrait orientation works better than landscape. By default, it will print black & white with a white background. If you want the boxes in color, look in your browser (in the settings or the printing sequence) for the option to print background color or images. It will print the boxes in color with a white background. See tips for saving or printing.

Prepared for , 2/5/2025 4:44:52 AM

Database: ,

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143;

K. L. Ratzlaff


 Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Last modified: 


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