GMOL | Equivalent Names Report

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Help for the Equivalent Names Report

  The GRanDMA database accommodates multiple versions (different spellings or translations) of the same name -- a "family" of names. For example, John, Johann, Hans and many more are considered to be the same name so that you don't have to specify exactly which one is on record for the target individual.

To get a list of these equivalents, enter any given name or surname or both, and all the members of that family of names will be reported.

The numbers in parentheses are the numbers of occurances of that name in a recent release of the database.

Prepared for , 2/8/2025 4:45:51 AM

Database: ,

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158;

K. L. Ratzlaff


 Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Last modified: 


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