GMOL | My Notes

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You can save a single note for each Individual. This note will display in your account only in the Notes section of the Individual Profile.

To create the note, on the Individual Profile page, click on Add My Note. (If a note is already present, that link will be replaced by Edit My Note).

This will bring up the edit screen. The note is limited to 255 characters.

2024.01.03. Notes are no longer made public. (Image to be updated.)

Prepared for , 2/8/2025 4:02:23 AM

Database: ,

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158;

K. L. Ratzlaff


 Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Last modified: 


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