In GMOL, images can be shared between users. They may be uploaded, viewed, downloaded, and marked up with watermarks or
copyright notices. You may share images from your own ancestry, and when you share a copy of the image, this memory will survive more broadly.
That said, experience has shown that some people would like to retain control, and GMOL respects that.
Consequently we provide the ability to watermark the copy. In that case, the person wishing to collect the image
is able to see the watermarked image, but could make direct contact with the person submitting the image for a clean copy.
How to view images for an individual. Images are associated with individuals, so you can start by looking at
the bottom of a Personal Profile. If images for this user already exist, a link, "View User Images," and thumbnails of the images will display.
(If no images are found, it will read "Contribute an image".) Click on the link to access all the Contributed Images or on a thumbnail to view that image.
Contributed Images Four images have been contributed for the individual in this example. This page displays all the images
at reduced size: bigger than thumbnails but not full size. If you hover over an image, additional information will pop up.
From here, you have several options:
- Edit the image profile if it is yours, OR View the Image Profile if it is someone else's contribution. The profile will be
the description by the person contributing the image, information about the size, and
possible the date of the original, etc. More on that later.
- View the Individual Image at a larger scale. Click anywhere on the image to view it or download it.
Individual Image The size shown on screen is limited by the size of the screen, and larger images are scaled accordingly.
Download the image. The full-size image will be downloaded to your local storage.
Downloading the image file also creates a second "information" file that can be downloaded
as an easy way of keeping track of the image's contents and provenance.
The Information file contains the title, description, size, list of individuals, etc. The file may also contains a more esoteric
list of camera metadata, if available.
View Image Profile.
If you are the owner of the image, you will open up the "Edit Image Profile" page instead. Otherwise,
this page provides some additional information about the image including the size of the stored image, the list
of individuals, the possible date, etc.
Edit Image Profile.
If you own this image (that is, it was submitted from your account), you can edit some of the properties
from this page. The parameters that may be edited are those found in the Image Upload page, described below.
Upload a new Image. To upload an image, start with the "Choose File" button.
Files can be of any type, not just JPEG files. (Most will be jpg or png with some gif files; our software does not work well with tif files.)
The Title will appear in lists of images, and the Description
will be saved with other information about the file.
Some users find it difficult to rotate an image before uploading. This selection will rotate it whenever it is
displayed. It does not modify the image file itself.
GRanDMA Numbers are used to associate the image with individuals. The individuals associated with those numbers
will all be associated with the image. You will need to either write down the list before-hand, or collect the
individuals in the bookmarks. Individual numbers can be transferred from the bookmarks to the list by clicking on the
Watermarks and Copyrights The image on the left illustrates how the watermark and copyright notice are positioned.
The remainder of the entries are explained in the upload form.
My Images display. From the main MENU, select "Images", and all of the images that this account has contributed will be displayed.
Click on any image, and you will be directed to the Image Profile for that image where you will be able to edit the profile.