GMOL | Searching GRanDMA in languages other than English

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Support for non-english-speaking users of GRanDMA OnLine

  • Deutschsprachige Benutzer: Diese Seite kann mit Google Translate übersetzt werden.
  • Русскоязычные пользователи: Эту страницу можно перевести с помощью Google Translate.
  • Usuarios de idioma español: esta página se puede traducir usando Google Translate.

GRanDMA OnLine has a significant number of users for whom English is not native. About 86% use English, 8% use German, 2% Russian.

How can GRanDMA OnLine support them? Fortunately, there are some powerful tools available. This page describes how GMOL is adapted to use in other languages.

  1. Google Translate is the recommended tool for translating this web site. A manual translation of the entire site is not feasible, and the structure of GMOL would make it very difficult to swap large amounts of text.
          Google Translate is an official plugin for Chrome, Edge, Firefox, and Opera. There seems to be consensus on the Web that Chrome is best for translation.
  2. In GRanDMA OnLine, Google Translate the data and certain reserved words are blocked from translation.
          For example, "GRanDMA" and "GRanDMA OnLine" are being marked to never be translated, for example. (Google sometimes translates "GRanDMA OnLine" to German as "Oma im Internet" and other times as "Oma online".)
  3. Standard genealogical practice is to only display individual names as found in the database in order to maintain consistency while searching. An attempt has been made to mark individual names so they will NOT be translated.
          "Frank" will not become "Franz" in German, for example, and "Peter" will not be translated to "Pedro" in Spanish.
  4. The names of places are not translated. For example, "Schoenau, Molotschna, South Russia" will NOT become "Schönau, Molotschna, Südrussland" in German.
  5. Dates are NOT translated. This is in part due to Google Translate's inconsistent handling of 3-letter month names that are standard in genealogy and because most people can figure them out.
  6. Notes and sources are being treated as follows:
    • Notes are translated.
    • Source Titles are NOT translated.
    • The text field for the Source Titles is translated.
    • The (rare) Repository field is NOT translated.

Browser-specific references

Prepared for , 2/8/2025 4:13:27 AM

Database: ,

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158;

K. L. Ratzlaff


 Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.158; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Last modified: 


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