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Help for the Image-Format Ancestry Chart

This chart was developed to provide a downloadable chart after the tools for creating trees in pdf format became unavailable. For the Image-Format Chart, the output is created as an image file (a PNG file, often used for photos.) This image, after it is created, can be downloaded, printed, and emailed. Using the "Settings", the user can choose sizes, fonts, and colors.

  • Number of generations: Trees can be drawn with 4-6 generations.
  • Fonts: There are several font groupings, and for some, you may select the font size, color, and typeface.
  • Lines: Besides font colors, you can select the colors and thicknesses of the link lines and border lines.
  • Inclusions: You may select whether or not to include the GRanDMA number, the death data or the birth data. Eliminating a field of data can provide more space for larger fonts.
    At the top, there is a button to "Download the Chart". With this, the chart can be stored to the disk and embedded in documents or emails.

    Another button reads "Create at Printer Resolution". The chart will be created at three times the resolution in both dimensions which is closer to that of a typical printer. It will look sharper but be slower to create and take more space on a disk.

    Printing Options: This page can be printed directly from the browser, but you may have to experiment with the "Scale" settings in the Print dialog in order to get the image on the page properly. See tips for saving or printing.

  • Prepared for , 2/5/2025 1:47:54 AM

    Database: ,

    Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

    GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143;

    K. L. Ratzlaff


     Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

    Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

    GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

    Last modified: 


    Load time: 0.0 s.