GMOL | Wide Ancestry Chart

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Help for the Wide Ancestry Chart

This listing of ancestors is organized in tree format with all the data on an individual in a single line. (This line can be rather wide, so the printout usually needs to be in Landscape mode. It is NOT about "wide ancestors.")
    The Wide Ancestry Chart can display up to 16 generations.
The line contains 4 pieces of information, although, except for the name, each can be turned off.
  • The name of the individual.
  • The GRanDMA number.
  • The birthdate and place, as available.
  • The deathdate and place, as available.
   You can download the report in a document file which can be opened, edited, and printed with Microsoft Word and related word processors. This is an image of the file when loaded into Word.

Printing Options: The Wide Ancestry Chart on screen is optimized for printing from your browser. See tips for saving or printing.

Prepared for , 2/5/2025 2:00:27 AM

Database: ,

Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143;

K. L. Ratzlaff


 Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Database: , Mennonite Genealogy, Inc.

GRanDMA OnLine Website ( GMOL v7.5.143; K. L. Ratzlaff, Lawrence, KS, 11/2000‑2/2025

Last modified: 


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